At Last, the “Holy Trinity” Miracle for Super Fast and Everlasting Relief!
BREAKING NEWS : Results from Major Clinical Trials Suggest This Revolutionary 3-Part Formula May Be the Joint Breakthrough You've Been Waiting For:
BLESSING #1 => Soothe achy joints SUPERFAST… Enjoy Instant Relief for Knees, Elbows, Hips, Back and Shoulders…
BLESSING #2 => Stimulates Cartilage Regeneration for Smooth, Comfortable and Effortless Movement…
BLESSING #3 => Actually Promotes Strong BONE HEALTH - So You'll Feel Like You’re Getting Younger With Each Passing Day!
Dear Friend,
If you suffer bouts of irritating joint discomfort, I GUARANTEE this is the most important medical bulletin you read in this year. Here’s why…
A brand new breakthrough – based on more than 20 clinical trials – means everyday Americans can do what was once considered impossible. They can eliminate annoying joint distress at its source… almost immediately… and keep it away forever!
Before today, you faced a life sentence of never knowing when – or where – the next flash, throb or twinge would strike. Not anymore. Today I’m introducing a secret formula that gives your body a jolt of INSTANT AND PROFOUND RELIEF. To break the chain of everyday aches, pain and misery – forever.
Honestly, you’ve never had a chance to experience something so powerful… so life transforming… so DARNED MAGICAL in its ability to give you long lasting relief forever. Not just mask it – but go right to the source and literally “unplug” it.
Imagine never again having to brace yourself as lightning bolts shoot through your knees and hips. Never again waking up in the middle of the night – flat on your pillow, a prisoner to a stiff neck or a super-sensitive shoulder.
Wouldn't that be nice?
Over the next few minutes, I will expose this incredible secret so you and your loved ones can experience a glorious turnaround in your own lives. Believe it or not, the stunning results I’m about to share are backed by many clinical trials performed by some of America’s top universities and research laboratories.
Right now, I'll bet you're saying…
“YES, Rush Me This Blessing – Immediately!”
Where did you last experience a bout of joint discomfort? Your knuckles? Elbow? Knee? A troublesome back, perhaps? When it strikes, only one thing matters – getting rid of it – ASAP.
Great news! My team of leading researchers just released an all-new joint support formula called Super Joint Support®. It’s 100% natural and goes straight to the source of joint irritation and quickly disables it. Super Joint Support® is a powerful cocktail of specially selected vitamins, nutraceuticals and 72 trace minerals. Each ingredient plays its part to soothe your body (see diagram below).
Super Joint Support® to the rescue!
A Unique 5-Pronged Support for Your Irritated Joints!Tender Wrists, Knuckles and Elbows… GONE!
Tricky Ankle or Throbbing Heel … ELIMINATED!
Knotted Shoulders - Plus Stiff Neck and Back… BANISHED!
Together, this unique cocktail of natural joint defenders teases out the STIFFNESS from your neck… relaxes your KNOTTED-UP SHOULDERS… banishes your KNEE DISCOMFORT… soothes your CREAKING HIPS… and gives much needed support to your POOR KNUCKLES. And much more, too.
I speak from personal experience…
“I Was Suffering Miserably – So I Took Matters
Into My Own Hands…”Hello, my name is Jesse Cannone. I’m founder and CEO of the Healthy Back Institute. But I wasn’t always so fortunate…
In fact, I was one of the unlucky ones. I suffered from chronic back and knee issues at an early age – only 22. I was a personal trainer back then, but couldn’t walk, run or exercise without suffering miserably.
“ALLELUIA!” I simply could not believe how Super Joint Support® washed away my joint complaints like magic.
Now it’s your turn to experience sweet relief. For LIFE!
- Jesse Cannone, CEO
I tried natural joint supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin which helped a little for my nagging joints. But it wasn’t enough.
Something had to be done. So when I was given the opportunity, I challenged my team of researchers to come up with the ultimate all-in-one solution. It took them 11 long years, but I’m thrilled to say it’s finally here.
Both for my sake, and for yours…
Possibly the World's Only "Holy Trinity" Formulation
for Miraculous Joint Support and ComfortFinding a trusted formula that goes to the source of joint discomfort and turns it off – PERMANENTLY – has been the holy grail of medical researchers for decades. That’s why today’s announcement about The “Holy Trinity Miracle” is so revolutionary. Quite simply, it’s the world’s only remedy that fights annoying everyday aches and irritations on three crucial fronts:
- Essential Step #1: Our Super Joint Support® proprietary formula goes straight to the source of your annoying discomfort and reduces joint irritation. It doesn't mask it - it snuffs it out wherever it finds it.
- Essential Step #2: Super Joint Support's exclusive formula of vitamins, nutraceuticals and 72 trace minerals support the regeneration of cartilage. It’s far more effective than glucosamine and chondroitin alone (studies show that 90% of collagen is absorbed within 6 hours) It’s almost as if you’re putting super-absorbent “pillows” inside your knees, ankles, hips and elbows!
- Essential Step #3: It actually promotes healthy bone composition and strength.. Yes, you read that correctly. I’m saying it supports the REGENERATION of BONE that has been damaged by years of disintegrating cartilage and joints grinding together.
Many joint support formulas take care of Steps 1 and 2 to varying degrees of success. But in our research (supported by evidence from major clinical trials performed at the University of Maryland and other major institutions), we discovered NO other joint formula addresses Step 3. As it turns out, unless you conquer Step #3, you are doomed to failure. Those nagging aches and twinges will always be with you. Here’s why…
You probably already know that normal regeneration of your cartilage is vital to your joints. But unless you support the strength and repair of the bones surrounding your joints your discomfort will NEVER go away completely. You are simply putting a “Band-Aid” on the underlying problem. Makes sense, right?
BOTTOM LINE: You need to take action on all three steps to have a chance at experiencing immediate, profound and everlasting relief – throughout your entire body. And as far as I know, Super Joint Support® is the only joint formula that can promise effectiveness on all three fronts – making it the world’s first “Holy Trinity Miracle” pill!
“Having Healthy Connective Tissue
Prevents Injury”- Dr. Robert Thompson, Best-Selling Author
Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary.
“Super Joint Support® In Addition to Heal-n-Soothe Works For Me”
- Steve Olson
Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary.
“Super Joint Support® Has Given Me Back
Use Of My Hands”- Kate Method
Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary.
The Holy Trinity Pill’s Exclusive and Top Secret Formula…
Super Joint Support® provides incredibly strong, powerful and comprehensive joint support. Our advanced formula does what all other formulas fail to do – it gives you the bone-building nutrients your body craves to support strong and healthy bones.
Super Joint Support® is like taking three joint health products in one – like discovering a joint replacement in a bottle! It’s not available in any store – and can only be purchased here.
“Isn’t it time you gave up on smelly topical creams… heat pads… ice packs… and electrical stimulation?”
In a moment, I’ll share with you the impressive studies, trials and clinical proof behind why our world class ingredients are so effective.
But here’s what you really need to know. It works like gangbusters! People who have put up with miserable joints for years now wake up feeling great and fill their days with happy, joyful activities. Look how it literally turned Mary and her husband’s lives around…
“I got a bottle of Super Joint Support® for my husband. He has bad back pain and arthritis. Well let me tell you, he has taken it for four days now, and hasn’t had to wear his magnetic belt anymore. He gets out of bed with NO PAIN – just like he used to. He now walks without bending over!”
- Mary Jones, a very happy customer
Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary.
It was for folks like Mary and her husband – plus you and me – that I created Super Joint Support®. I wasn’t interested in a temporary fix. That’s simply not good enough. You deserve much better. So my team and I created a PERMANENT, LIFELONG SOLUTION so you can start loving life again.
Ancient Herbal ‘Home Remedy’ Delivers
Profound Joint Relief!For anyone who suffers from nagging joints and other physical discomforts, nothing is more important than getting rid of the misery immediately. And the best way to do that is to support and maintain a healthy inflammatory response in the body… while simultaneously promoting the repair of cartilage and bone for long-term relief.
Here’s something I’ll bet you didn’t know…
In 400 BC, Hippocrates, the great physician of Ancient Greece, advised his patients to chew on the bark of the white willow tree to ease discomfort while patients healed.
Why? The bark contains a chemical known as salicin, which has properties similar to aspirin.
But unlike aspirin alone, white willow bark also contains powerful plant compounds called flavonoids and polyphenols which promote healthy anti-inflammatory activity.
A 2001 study published in the journal Rheumatology found in a group of nearly 200 people with low back concerns, those who received willow bark showed a significant improvement compared to those who received a placebo.
And in two double-blind studies, one group of patients with joint discomfort were given white willow bark daily for 2 weeks. The other group was given a placebo. Those taking the white willow bark showed greater relief and improved physical function.
An excellent start, right? But we went much further. To further comfort your joints, we also added an organic sulfur called MSM to our Super Joint Support® miracle pill.
WOW! A Significant Improvement in Joint Function
MSM is the abbreviation for methylsulfonylmethane. You can find it in many foods, such as broccoli, legumes and milk. Your body needs this all-natural sulfur to build and repair healthy joint cartilage. Plus, it naturally promotes healthy anti-inflammatory action in your joints.
In clinical trials on MSM, it’s been found to be highly efficient for joint support. For instance, a double-blind study by the journal Clinical Drug Investigation found those who took MSM showed a significant improvement in joint function - even more so when combined with glucosamine.
This amazing news is based on double-blind, placebo-controlled studies - the absolute gold standard of medical research.
"MSM is important in joint health and helps form the connective tissues including cartilage, tendons, and ligaments.
Put Out the Fire with ALA
Alpha-Lipoic Acid, or ALA, is a mainstay in natural medicine for the treatment of unpleasant nerve discomfort. This antioxidant also protects your cells from damage and works to support a normal anti-inflammatory response - one of the underlying causes of joint disturbances. Few natural substances specifically address nerve issues, but ALA is able to do just that.
“Almost Pain-Free for the First Time in 10 Years!”
Now that I’ve shared this potent blend of miraculous joint-nurturing nutrients, you might be wondering how they work.
Well, we’ve received hundreds of amazing reports from happy customers. Our offices have been flooded with these good news stories! For example, Tom tried Super Joint Support® and couldn’t believe how quickly it helped him…
“Hi Jesse, I just received my order of Super Joint Support® last week. Super Joint Support® is giving me even better relief and I'm almost pain free for the first time in 10 years!”
- Tom
Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary.
You Can Support REGENERATION of Your Cartilage – Naturally
You probably know that joints don’t ache without reason. Inflammation certainly plays a role. But the underlying cause of most joint concerns is the wear and tear you put your joints through.
Between every joint in your body is a soft, spongy connective tissue called cartilage. It’s there to cushion and protect your joints. Cartilage protects your bones from the wear and tear of everyday movement.
Cartilage is a living substance inside your body. As such, it needs to be cared for and nourished. And the really good news about cartilage is that there are natural ways to promote the regeneration of healthy cartilage! So to help you maintain your healthy joints – and ease your joint discomfort – I have included the most natural and more effective form of glucosamine sulfate.
Glucosamine sulfate stimulates cartilage metabolism and helps maintain concentrations of the thick fluid that surrounds your joints, called synovial fluid. Just like you put oil on a sticky door knob so it turns smoother and easier, synovial fluid lubricates your joints so they move smoothly, too.
Now, it’s true many other joint formulas use glucosamine. But are they using the pure sulfate form proven in laboratory studies to be more effective at activating cartilage renewal and nourishing your joints? I’ll bet the answer is no.
Dual-Action Breakthrough Practically Builds NEW JOINTS
As I said earlier, your body needs sulfate to produce new healthy cartilage. That’s why we use glucosamine sulfate. It’s more effective.
Plus, we added chondroitin sulfate. Leading research has found that when chondroitin is in the “sulfate” form, it’s more effective. And here’s really good news… when you combine chondroitin sulfate with glucosamine sulfate – the results are even better!
In a clinical study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, 1,583 patients with knee troubles were tested. Of the group with moderate to severe discomfort that took BOTH the glucosamine and the chondroitin sulfate, 80% had significant improvement.
You might think these superior ingredients are good enough for one joint support supplement, right?
Wrong! We’ve also added a superior form of collagen – the main ingredient in healthy joint cartilage. Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body. You’ll find it in fibrous tissues such as ligaments and tendons. These connective tissues in your joints are made of collagen. It’s also found in cartilage and bone. Some have called it, “the glue that holds your body together.” But as you age, your body’s supply of collagen decreases and cartilage thins and breaks down.
As a result, a chronic dull burning sensation and irritation settles in to your joints. And your joints deteriorate, lose their flexibility and throb with every little movement.
By adding collagen back into your body, your body has the fuel it needs to regenerate cartilage with new healthy tissue to maintain your healthy joint from the inside out – supporting your mobility and flexibility.
FACT: An Amazing 37% of Super Joint Support® Users Reported Feeling an Improvement in Less Than 2 Weeks… AND 14.7% Said They Enjoyed Full Recovery in 1 Week or Less!
So remember this: Your joint support supplement MUST have collagen to replace what you’ve lost through the years. But not just any collagen will do.
Hydrolysate Collagen type II uses a patented process making it the most comprehensive
collagen on the market.Super Joint Support® contains the most effective and comprehensive collagen available. It’s called Hydrolysate Collagen type II. This remarkable nutrient supports healthy joint function by stimulating the regeneration of cartilage and replenishing the lubricating synovial fluid your joints need for flexibility and motion.
It’s a patented collagen that naturally contains Hydrolysate Collagen, chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid that work together in synergy to do what other collagens simply can’t.
For one thing… what makes Hydrolysate Collagen type II so powerful at promoting the regeneration of cartilage is its higher molecular weight. The higher molecular weight makes it optimal for absorption. So this super collagen quickly accumulates in every nook and cranny of your cartilage to provide support for your joints. Other collagen molecules are simply too big for your body to absorb everywhere collagen is needed.
Next, cartilage is made up of cells called chondrocytes. Chondrocytes help to nourish the cartilage. And when cartilage is damaged from wear and tear or age, chondrocytes replace the damaged cartilage. But sometimes when we age, the chondrocytes become sluggish and can’t repair your cartilage. Your knees go stiff. Your hips can’t bend. Your fingers don’t move.
But here comes Hydrolysate Collagen type II to the rescue. It actually stimulates the chondrocytes to make new cartilage. And since it's 100% cold water soluble, 90% of the collagen is absorbed within 6 hours, so chondrocytes move faster than ever to repair your damaged cartilage.
Researchers have been studying Hydrolysate Collagen type II for over a decade in more than 20 clinical trials and the results are nothing short of amazing.
- In one 90-day clinical trial, 52 patients suffering with knee problems were given 40 mg of Hydrolysate Collagen type II every day.
- The result: 40% experienced a reduction in joint discomfort and showed significant enhancement in their daily activities..
- In another study, they found that Hydrolysate Collagen type II led to an improvement in joint discomfort.
- In still another trial, the Hydrolysate Collagen type II group experienced significant improvement in physical activities compared to the placebo group.
The list goes on. Super Joint Support® contains 500mg of Hydrolysate Collagen type II, which includes 50mg of hyaluronic acid and 100mg chondroitin sulfate.
Which Joint Support Formula is the REAL DEAL?
You Be the Judge…Wouldn’t it be so much easier if you could toss that fistful of supplements…
And instead take an ALL-IN-ONE solution that can strengthen the healthy activity of your joints and offer you a comfortable life?
THE STRAIGHT TRUTH: 63.8% of our customers would recommend Super Joint Support® to their family and friends.
Super Joint Support® is an ALL-IN-ONE formula with a unique combination of the best and most advanced nutrients to deal with all three steps for promoting strong, healthy joints and a lifetime of youthful mobility and flexibility. It's the only solution you need. Let me remind you how our exclusive Super Joint Support® formula helps fight pain on 3 crucial fronts:
STEP 1: Super Joint Support® relieves the discomfort and uncomfortable that hits you every day.
STEP 2: Super Joint Support® stimulates the regeneration of cartilage to restore joints to youthful mobility.
STEP 3: Super Joint Support® is literally jam-packed with vitamins and minerals to promote and maintain healthy, steel-strong bones.
Please understand, it’s NOT a quick fix. This remarkable Holy Trinity formula offers the promise of long-term, even PERMANENT relief. Simply use as directed for optimal results.
If you look at only one chart or table this week, I hope it’s this one. It tells you more than you can get in a mountain of books – or confusing promises…
BONUS: A Welcome Dose of Essential Vitamins for All Americans Over 45
Strong Bones with “Sunny” Vitamin D
Vitamin D is often called the “sunshine” vitamin. That’s because spending as little as 10 minutes a day in the sun can help your body synthesize the vitamin D it needs. But that’s difficult to do – especially in colder climates or if you use sunscreen. But getting enough Vitamin D is vital to keeping your bones strong and healthy as you age. That’s because vitamin D boosts your body’s ability to absorb bone-building calcium straight from the foods you eat.
If you don’t get enough vitamin D, you can suffer from bone loss or your bones become brittle and break easily. Super Joint Support® gives you 950 IUs – the full recommended dosage of vitamin D to support strong, healthy bones.
Vitamin K2 “Turns On” Your Bones
Vitamin K2 is needed for healthy new bone formation. Your body uses osteoblast cells to build healthy new bone to replace the bone mass you lose. To do this, osteoblasts use a protein called osteocalcin which attracts and anchors calcium into your bones. Vitamin K turns on the bone–building osteocalcin to get busy building new bones.
A study out of Japan showed that combining Vitamin K2 with Vitamin D promoted healthy bone mass significantly better than taking Vitamin K or Vitamin D alone - in as little as 6 months.
Vitamin B12 for Bones of Steel
Vitamin B12 makes sure your body maintains the proper levels of an amino acid called homocysteine. Why is this important? If you have too much homocysteine, it can accumulate in your bones – preventing the collagen from building strong new bones. Your body builds weak, brittle bones instead. Vitamin B12 keeps your homocysteine levels in check so your body has the tools it needs to build healthy bones.
You have probably heard of these vitamins before. Now you know how great they are for maintaining strong healthy bones. But this next ingredient is truly at the heart of our Step 3 solution to lifelong bone health… and eternal freedom from joint discomfort. But you won’t find it anywhere else. It’s so rare and exotic that no other formula uses it. Big Mistake!
In fact, Super Joint Support® is the ONLY joint health product available that includes 72 trace minerals to help keep your joints healthy and super flexible.
“This ALL-in-ONE formula nourishes your joints, cartilage and bones for a lifetime of greater mobility and, youthful movement!”
“Finally… A joint product I can wholeheartedly recommend! Super Joint Support® combines some of the most effective remedies for promoting the natural regeneration of cartilage, tendons and bone for a true “all-in-one” solution. Plus as with all of the Living Well Nutraceuticals products, they use only the highest-quality ingredients in the right amounts and a rigorous testing process. If you're looking for a safe but effective joint support solution, look no further.”
- Dr. Mark Wiley, Ph D
Disclaimer: Individual results and experiences may vary
Minerals are the basic elements of life. They are found in everything on earth, including you. Think of the everyday minerals you may know… calcium for your bones… iron for your blood… boron to metabolize calcium… and so many more.
Your bones also need these trace minerals as raw material to build healthy, stronger bones and support healthy bone mass. We call them trace minerals because you only need very small amounts to keep your bones and body healthy. Plus, healthy levels of minerals keep your body in proper pH balance which is so important for maintaining strong bones. For example, if your body becomes too acidic, it will strip your joints of moisture to rebalance pH. This leads to joint distress.
Your body will also steal calcium and other minerals from your bones to restore pH balance. This theft leads to brittle, breakable bones… and a lifetime of uncomfortable joints. Yet the majority of us are woefully deficient in at least one mineral, and most likely, a host of trace minerals. These trace minerals used to be abundant in soil, but sadly no more.
The minerals are at trace quantities and are insignificant alone, but within a multi-mineral matrix they work synergistically and give a powerful boost to the action of calcium and magnesium.
All the extraordinary ingredients in Super Joint Support® I shared with you would already give you the strongest, most effective joint health solution on the market today.
But by adding these trace minerals – A truly one of a kind blend of 72 of the most powerful all-natural minerals in the world…
You won’t find the minerals combined in this patented formula anywhere else… except in our Super Joint Support®. Just take a look at a few of the minerals contained in this amazing formula…
- Calcium – For healthy teeth and bones! Also helps regulate nerve function.
- Magnesium – helps relax muscles and stimulate enzyme production! Also promotes healthy bowel function.
- Manganese – promotes healthy bone formation… supports growth of healthy connective tissue… and boosts calcium absorption.
- Boron – helps metabolize calcium and magnesium; critical for healthy membrane function.
- Phosphorous – helps repair damaged cells and promotes healthy new cell growth.
- Iron – to transport oxygen to the cells in your body.
- Zinc – to support white blood cell production in your immune system.
- Potassium – an important electrolyte required for normal cell function. Your body needs potassium for almost everything it does.
- Copper – Essential for healthy function of proteins and enzymes! Also aids in the absorption of iron.
- Selenium – Powerful antioxidant! Helps vitamin E protect cells and connective tissue by destroying free radicals.
- Alfalfa leaf – has a strong alkaline effect on the body! Also a natural laxative and diuretic that helps detoxify the body – especially the liver.
- Plus 61 more powerful minerals.
The trace minerals you find in Super Joint Support® have 8 to 10 times the concentration of minerals you’ll find in other products.
(bone, ligament, tendon, muscle and cartilage)
PROTECT EVERY PART OF YOUR JOINTFinally, Uncomfortable Joint Stiffness Is Gone!
Are you starting to feel my excitement? Imagine how great it will feel to wake up each morning free of annoying aches and twinges. Very soon, you’ll be able to do those everyday things you used to take for granted…
You’ll be able to bend down and pick up a pen without a lightning bolt of distress. You can enjoy a sunny day by taking the dog for a vigorous walk around the block. You’ll rediscover the mobility to work and play like you did 30 years ago. Plus you’ll sleep like a baby the whole night through because your joints are soothed, nourished and refreshed. You will feel better, more alive, than ever.
When your joints are flexible and you can move with ease and comfort, your life improves dramatically. You’ll want others to know about the relief you’ve experienced thanks to Super Joint Support®.
“Hope Apart from Surgery!”
“Jesse, thanks, I have been going thru this excruciating pain on my knee and it's as if my knee bone will break any moment. I was thinking of knee replacement surgery but now I guess I have hope apart from surgery. Thanks.”
- Abosede Obayomi
Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary.
“I Am Hopeful…”
“I fell on Aug 2nd this year. I had an MRI and it showed I had a torn meniscus and arthritis under the knee cap. I've been in a lot of knee pain. I believe this supplement is helping with the pain. The doctor told me Friday I was going to need a knee replacement, but I'm hoping this supplement Super Joint Support® will heal it completely.”
- Jimmy Poe
Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary.
“90% of Joint Pain is No Longer Part of This Body!”
“Hello Jesse,
With pleasure I am sending you this message. It has been over a year that I have been taking the "Super Joint Support®." As you can imagine, at first I was skeptical, as you know there are a lot of products in the market claiming to be, the “Miracle” in a bottle. Happy to report that 90% of joint pain is no longer part of this body, not sure how I would function daily.
I am 72 years and an avid golfer, and for all you "Golf Aficionado" if you experience joint pains, this is the product you need, it will not give instant relief, but if you are looking for long term joint free pain: Start as soon as you can, be faithful in taking your daily supplements and in time you will be free of joint pain. Thank You Jesse. The Super Joint Support® is the Real Miracle in a bottle for me.”
- Most Grateful - Luigi Alfano, Ontario, Canada
Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary.
Try Super Joint Support® Risk-FREE at Our
Lowest Price Ever. Plus Get Up To 3 FREE BONUSES As My 'Thank You' Gift.With Super Joint Support's unique 3-step 'Holy Trinity' formula to eliminate your discomfort forever, it's like getting three amazing joint products in one for complete joint health.
Remember, you get 14 joint-healing nutrients working together to attack joint distress at its source… promote healthy cartilage … and maintain strong bones. An all-in-one formula - for just pennies a day!
A full one-month supply is just $59, plus shipping & handling. And you'll get this FREE GIFT I'd like to send you right away: Arthritis Reversed by Dr. Mark Wiley. (a $19.95 value)
This best-selling book reveals the amazing, all-natural 30-day action plan you can start immediately to eliminate joint pain and actually REVERSE your osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Dr. Wiley explains in vivid detail how to enjoy the maximum benefits from his groundbreaking 30-day action plan…so you can live the active, pain-free life you deserve.
You’ll be stunned at how simple and easily adaptable the plan is to your life.
You'll discover:
- The scary truth behind prescription pain drugs. What your doctor is NOT telling you about side effects…and why your pain always comes back!
- The 10 most common arthritis mistakes that are keeping you from total pain relief. Watch out – making just one could lead to a lifetime of pain.
- The hidden cause of joint inflammation and pain. Get rid of this and end your suffering once and for all.
- How to soothe inflamed joints by avoiding certain foods. Plus, 10 foods to start eating now for arthritis pain relief. Simple kitchen cures for joint pain.
- Pain-curing secrets of everyday exercises. Here are 4 stress-free exercises to start you moving and your joints healing. Just 20 minutes a day to a pain-free life.
- The secret link between stress and arthritis. 10 ways to reduce stress naturally and reduce pain and inflammation.
- And so much more!
If you're sick and tired of constant joint stiffness and pain, you'll want to get your hands on this must-have book. Fortunately, you can instantly download your copy of Arthritis Reversed when you place your order. Remember, this book is yours FREE.
Hold On, There's More…
Would you like to save an extra $10 and make sure you have enough Super Joint Support® on hand for 90 full days? Then I suggest you order a 3-month supply of Super Joint Support®. You pay only $167, plus shipping and handling.
Plus you get:
FREE GIFT #1: Arthritis Reversed by Dr. Mark Wiley. (a $19.95 value)
FREE GIFT #2: The 3 Causes of Every Type of Pain – and What You Have To Do To Get Lasting Relief! (a $9.95 value)
Dr. Mark Wiley has spent a lifetime developing his powerful pain relief and healing model. Over 3,000 people have used Dr. Wiley’s model to reduce and even eliminate chronic pain.
Now he’s making his breakthrough pain healing process, called the Wiley Model, available to you. This method is unlike any healing system in the world. It provides a revolutionary means of preventing – and even ELIMINATING – chronic pain…illness… and disease.
You can be a fly on the wall as Dr. Wiley and I discuss his plan in detail. You’ll discover the simple, all-natural steps you can do to eliminate pain from your life.
BEST VALUE! Enjoy the Biggest Savings,
FREE SHIPPING, Plus a Third FREE Report and the Lowest Price Per BottleIf you want to be free of the nightmare of constant distress and maintain healthy joints for the long run – plus save the most money you can – then order a 6-month supply of Super Joint Support®.
This is by far the best deal. You pay just $299, plus you get FREE shipping and handling. In addition to your FREE shipping and handling, you also SAVE $55 off the regular price.
That reduces the price to just 28 cents per joint support capsule. What a small price to pay to restore mobility and flexibility to your life. What would you give to dance again? To run around with your grandchildren again? To ski, swim or cycle again? To get down on your knees, dig in the soil and get your garden back to its glory days? Or to simply live your life to the fullest - forever?
Your wish is about to be granted. That’s why I urge you to order your six-month supply of Super Joint Support® so you can get the lowest price. Plus, you’ll get all three free gifts…
FREE GIFT #1: Arthritis Reversed by Dr. Mark Wiley. (a $19.95 value)
FREE GIFT #2: The 3 Causes of Every Type of Pain – and What You Have To Do To Get Lasting Relief! (a $9.95 value)
FREE GIFT #3: All Natural Secrets for Arthritis and Joint Pain Relief (a $19.95 value)
There’s no reason for you or a loved one to spend another minute suffering from joint issues. In this special report, you’ll discover the six reasons arthritis may be stalking you… and what you can do to reduce your risk.
Plus, you’ll discover FIVE little-known yet soothing 100% NATURAL remedies clinically proven to heal, ease pain and reduce inflammation – without taking drugs or suffering any side effects. And here’s a bonus. These all-natural secrets work for both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
But hurry. All three gifts are yours FREE today only when you order a six-month supply of Super Joint Support®. That’s a combined value of $403.85 for only $299 – a total savings of $104.85!
Remember, I’ll pay ALL of the shipping and handling costs. You pay ZERO! To take advantage of these savings and get your FREE shipping and handling, why not order your six-month supply right now? After all, no matter how much you order, you’re fully protected by my 90-day money-back guarantee…
Relax There is ZERO RISK! You are Protected by My Ironclad 90-DAY Money-Back Guarantee!
Many who try Super Joint Support® report positive results in just hours. Others experience significant improvement in mobility and flexibility in mere weeks. Remember, an amazing 37% of Super Joint Support® users reported feeling an improvement in less than 2 weeks…
I know from personal experience how powerful Super Joint Support® is, and I fully stand by this amazing product. That’s why I’m offering an unconditional, 100% money back guarantee. You risk nothing.
Simply try Super Joint Support® and if you don’t agree it’s the best supplement you’ve ever tried for your joint problems, simply send back the empty bottle(s) and unused portions and we’ll refund your entire purchase price (excluding shipping and handling). How’s that for a square deal?
For single bottle orders: If you don't feel significant improvement after trying Super Joint Support® for at least 2 weeks, simply return the used bottle and we'll gladly refund your purchase price (excluding shipping).
For multi bottle orders: Return all unopened bottles and we will refund a prorated amount based on the number of unopened bottles you have returned, (excluding shipping).
I’m assuming all the risk. I can’t think of a better way to convince you to try this breakthrough in joint support, cartilage rejuvenation and bone health. Plus, your FREE Special Gifts are yours to keep – no matter what you decide later on!
What's It Worth To You to
Finally Break Free from Your Misery - for LIFE?Are you ready to seize the day and feel 20 years younger?
Are you itching to work in the garden, give your grandchildren piggyback rides, dance with your spouse, play tennis, golf and swim… to do anything you want?
Now is the time to say “No More!” to waking up with annoying aches and twinges. Instead, you’ll feel refreshed with bundles of energy and joy to face the day. And best yet, no more slathering on smelly topical lotions or taking joint products that don’t work. Instead, you can get back to the comfortable, active lifestyle you’ve been missing.
Since you risk absolutely nothing with our 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee, why not order today? To get rid of your joint problems forever, and enjoy life again, simply choose your Best Deal below or call 1-800-216-4908 right now.
You’ll be glad you did. Let me ask you: What will you do first once your joints no are no longer distressed, preventing you from living life fully? With Super Joint Support®, here’s your chance to SEIZE CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE – once and for all. So do it – while you’re thinking of it!
Yours for healthier joints,
Founder, Healthy Back Institute®
P.S. Here’s my promise: Super Joint Support® will work for you or it’s FREE! If you haven’t achieved the results you’ve been searching for within 90 days, then we’ll return every penny of your purchase price. There’s no risk to you. I simply want you to give Super Joint Support® a try. So order now. You can call toll-free at 1-800-216-4908 right now.

Still Have Questions?
Frequently Asked Questions Super Joint Support®
A: No solution is right for everyone, but we’ve formulated Super Joint Support with the best and most effective combination of nutrients to support your joints in 3 ways:
First, to relieve pain quickly. Second, to regrow the soft cartilage that gently cushions your joints.
But Super Joint Support™ goes one step further.
We’ve added nutrients to our formula to help strengthen and rebuild your bones. No other joint support formula does all three. It’s like getting three joint support products in one.
But the only way to know for sure if it’ll work for you is to try it. You’ll know it’s working when your daily activities get easier. That’s your body’s way of telling you that the “repair process” has started.
Don’t forget, in the unlikely event Super Joint Support is not the best joint support formula you’ve ever tried, simply return the empty bottles or unused portion and we’ll send you a full refund (excluding shipping and handling).
A: Each bottle of Super Joint Support contains 120 capsules. This is equal to a one-month (30-day) supply at the suggested dose of 4 capsules per day. For best results, take 2 capsules in the morning with breakfast and 2 capsules in the evening with dinner.
Loading Dose: If your symptoms are severe (and you weigh more than 150 pounds), you may take an additional 2 capsules daily for as long as you need. In this case, take 1 additional capsule with your morning dose and 1 additional capsule with your evening dose (with meals).
Note: While there are no stimulants in Super Joint Support, some people may experience increased energy due to the trace mineral blend. If at any time you feel this increased energy disrupts your normal sleep patterns, you may take your second daily dose of Super Joint Support with lunch or an afternoon snack, provided it has been at least 6 hours since your morning dose.
A: We recommend taking Super Joint Support twice daily with meals, once in the morning and once in the afternoon or evening. Taking it with food reduces the risk of an upset stomach, enhances digestion, and stimulates absorption. Additionally, some of the ingredients, including Vitamins D3 and K2, are fat-soluble and need fat to be absorbed by the body.
We also suggest taking Super Joint Support with 8 oz of water, followed by an additional 8 oz. of water 15 minutes later. This enables the nutrients in Super Joint Support to pass easily to your small intestine. It also ensures optimum absorption of these nutrients.
A: Yes! That’s perfectly fine. You can open the capsule and mix with applesauce or any food you like.
A: Absolutely! There are no known contraindications between Super Joint Support and any other supplement.
In fact, we recommend a balanced supplement protocol including the use of a good Proteolytic Systemic Enzyme formula to help clean out any metabolic waste in the joints which allows Super Joint Support to work even better.
The Proteolytic Systemic Enzyme formula we support is Heal-n-Soothe®, as it has the highest Enzyme potency available in any brand.
A: Individuals taking any medication should consult a physician prior to starting Super Joint Support. In any case, please take Super Joint Support at least 60 minutes before OR after other medications. In other words, it’s best not to take Super Joint Support within an hour of your other medications.
A: As with all supplements, it is suggested you consult your physician before taking this or any supplement. This is especially important for women who are pregnant, thinking about becoming pregnant, or nursing. This product contains shellfish. Do not take if you are allergic to shellfish or if you have reason to believe you may be allergic to any other ingredients in this product. This product is not intended for use by individuals under the age of 18. It’s recommended that people taking this product discontinue use 2 weeks prior to any scheduled surgery.
IMPORTANT: Do NOT Take Super Joint Support® IF…
What follows is sad. But our legal team insisted we must treat you like a "kid" and tell you:"Do not take this product if you know or suspect that you are allergic to any ingredients in this product (specifically, this product contains Crab Shell so do not take if you are allergic to shellfish). Stop taking two (2) weeks before scheduled surgery. As with all dietary supplements, persons 18 years and under, on antibiotics, or who suffer from medical conditions, or who are taking medications, or are pregnant, or nursing should consult with their physician prior to taking this product." – kind of "common sense", right? Any level headed person surely already knows that.
NOT everyone should take Super Joint Support®, but the truth is, you may be just a few pills away from lasting relief. That is the realistic potential of this amazing 3 in 1 breakthrough that
1) promotes healthy anti-inflammatory activity…
2) supports cartilage health…and
3) provides minerals and nutrients needed for strong, healthy bones.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.